Signs someone is drinking alcoholic beverages

Signs Someone is Drinking Alcoholic Beverages

You suspect that someone you love has secretly been drinking, but you’re not sure how to confirm your suspicions. Even if they try to hide what they’ve been doing, a person who has been drinking alcoholic beverages will usually leave some clues. When you understand what these clues look like, you will be better prepared to take appropriate action.

A Person Who Has Been Drinking Alcoholic Beverages Will Usually:

When it comes to identifying someone who has been drinking, there are few absolutes. Different people may be affected in different ways depending on a variety of factors, such as:

  • Their age, weight, and metabolism
  • How often they drink
  • How much they typically consume
  • If they are also abusing other addictive substances
  • If they have certain medical or mental health concerns

Also, if a person is trying to hide their drinking from their parents, a spouse, or someone else, they may take additional steps to keep their behavior a secret.

Having said all that, there are some common actions, characteristics, and behavior patterns that are difficult to conceal, especially for someone who drinks on a regular basis.

For example, a person who has been drinking alcoholic beverages will usually (or often) exhibit signs such as:

  • Odor of alcohol on their breath
  • Glassy or watery eyes
  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired coordination
  • Changes in mood and attitude
  • Confusion
  • Memory problems
  • Poor judgment
  • Diminished inhibition
  • Uncharacteristic aggression or recklessness
  • Increased talkativeness
  • Difficulty remaining awake and alert

It is also important to keep an eye out for signs that aren’t directly related to alcohol intoxication, but which could suggest that your loved one is drinking. 

If you think your spouse or another adult has relapsed after a period of sobriety, pay attention to signs such as:

  • Problems at work
  • Unexplained financial difficulties
  • Unintentional weight change
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Frequent need to “run errands” or otherwise leave the house by themselves
  • Lying or otherwise being deceitful about where they’ve been
  • No longer attending recovery support group meetings

If you are a parent and you suspect that your teen has begun to use alcohol, watch for indicators such as:

  • Downturn in performance in school
  • Increased behavior problems at home or in school
  • Lack of motivation
  • Secrecy about how they spend their time and who they have been associating with
  • Abandoning their usual friend group
  • Ending their participation in sports, clubs, hobbies, or other activities that used to be important to them
  • Pulling away from you and other family members
  • Lack of attention to appearance, grooming, and even hygiene

Of course, none of these signs on their own are conclusive proof that your child has been drinking. They could be experiencing a problem with stress management, anxiety, depression, or another mental health concern. Or they could simply be dealing with the hormonal and attitudinal changes that are common among adolescents.

In general, though, any significant alterations in attitude, behavior, and/or appearance should be cause for concern. 

What Can You Do if You Suspect a Loved One May Be Drinking Alcoholic Beverages?

If someone in your life should not be drinking alcohol, but you suspect that they are, you may be worried, frustrated, or even angry. 

Please know that it is both normal and understandable to feel this way. However, an immediate emotional reaction could make the problem even worse than it already is. Instead, take the time to assess the situation and review your options. This way, when you take action, you will be responding thoughtfully instead of reacting on a purely emotional basis.

Please remember this: There is no perfect response to situations like these. You will need to consider an array of factors, including the nature of your relationship with your loved one, if they have developed alcohol use disorder (alcoholism), and how their drinking has affected them, you, and your family.

With those thoughts in mind, here are a few steps that may be appropriate for you:

  • Don’t ignore your suspicions. Even though you wish you didn’t have to deal with this challenge, pretending that it’s not happening will only allow the problem to grow. 
  • If your loved one is addicted to alcohol, take the time to educate yourself about alcoholism, treatment, recovery, and relapse. This can help you respond in the most meaningful and beneficial manner.
  • Consult with experts. If the person you’re concerned about is your partner or another adult, you may want to contact an addiction treatment provider or a support group for the loved ones of people who are struggling with addiction. If you think your child has been drinking, reach out to their guidance counselor or a substance abuse professional who works with teens.
  • Talk to your loved one. Let them know what you’ve observed and express your concerns about their behaviors. Be prepared for denial, pushback, or even anger. Try not to let the conversation descend into an argument.
  • Listen to your loved one. Their response, such as if they admit or deny what they’ve been doing, can give you valuable insights into their state of mind. If they do acknowledge that they’ve been drinking, their willingness or refusal to get help can inform your next steps.
  • Set (and maintain) appropriate boundaries. If you are dealing with an adolescent or teen, this can include establishing clear rules to ensure you know where they are, who they’re with, and what they’re doing. For adults, this can involve letting them know what types of behaviors you will no longer tolerate.
  • Get help for yourself. Alcoholism and other types of addiction don’t only affect the person who has the disorder. Parents, partners, siblings, close friends, and other loved ones can also be impacted. Talking to a counselor or therapist can help you process your experiences and decide how best to help your loved one while keeping yourself safe.

Contact Sanctuary Treatment Center to Learn About Our Alcohol Treatment Center

If someone that you care about has become addicted to alcohol, they may need professional care to stop drinking and start building a healthier life in recovery. 

Sanctuary Treatment Center offers a full continuum of care within a safe and welcoming environment. Programming options at our alcohol addiction treatment center in Los Angeles include detoxification, inpatient rehab, and outpatient care. At every level, your loved one will receive personalized services from a team of skilled and experienced professionals.

To learn more about how we can help, or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Contact page or call us today.

Woman with the alcohol shakes after a night out

Alcohol Shakes: Am I an Alcoholic?

Alcohol shakes can be a sign that a person’s drinking has reached a perilous point. If you have been experiencing this symptom, but you don’t take the appropriate steps to end your alcohol use, you may be exposing yourself to life-threatening consequences.

What are Alcohol Shakes?

Alcohol shakes are one of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal that involve twitches and tremors. This shakiness is most common in the arms and hands, though it can also affect other parts of the body as well.

Discussions of alcohol withdrawal typically involve someone who is trying to stop drinking after developing alcohol use disorder (which is the clinical term for alcoholism). Alcohol shakes can definitely be a part of this process, but they aren’t limited to people who are making a concerted effort to end their alcohol use. 

The experience that is commonly referred to as a hangover is actually a form of alcohol withdrawal. For people who drink infrequently, common withdrawal symptoms after a night of heavy drinking include headache, nausea, and dehydration. But for someone who has been drinking heavily for an extended period, “the morning after” may also include the alcohol shakes. 

In extreme cases, the frequency and severity of alcohol shakes can cause people to start drinking as soon as they wake up, in an attempt to ease their tremors so they can function.

Are the Shakes from Alcohol Withdrawal Dangerous?

Alcohol shakes don’t necessarily pose a grave danger on their own – but they can be a sign that a person’s alcohol use has progressed to a dangerous point:

  • If someone has been experiencing alcohol shakes on a regular basis, there is a good chance that their chronic alcohol abuse has also caused other (possibly less obvious) harm. For example, while it is fairly well known that alcohol abuse can lead to liver disease, it is not as widely understood that a person may not exhibit symptoms of this damage until it has reached an irreversible stage.
  • If a person develops alcohol shakes while trying to quit drinking on their own, the distress caused by their tremors and other withdrawal symptoms can become overwhelming, and push them back into active alcohol abuse. 
  • If a person experiences excessive shakiness while going through withdrawal, this can be a symptom of delirium tremens (which is commonly referred to as the DTs). The DTs are a set of particularly dangerous withdrawal symptoms that, if not treated, can be fatal. This underscores the importance of professional detoxification for people who have severe alcoholism.

Does it Mean I’m an Alcoholic if I Get the Shakes?

Alcohol shakes are not specifically mentioned in the criteria for alcohol use disorder as established in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, the presence of alcohol withdrawal symptoms is one of the criteria in the DSM-5.

Alcohol shakes strongly suggest that a person has become addicted to alcohol. Anyone who develops this symptom may be in crisis, and they should consult with a healthcare provider. An addiction treatment expert or another qualified professional can assess the full scope of their symptoms, provide an accurate diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

How to Stop Alcohol Shakes?

The best ways to stop alcohol shakes are to either quit drinking or dramatically reduce the amount and frequency of your alcohol use. 

If you have become addicted to alcohol, quitting drinking can be quite difficult – but it is by no means impossible. When you get the right type of treatment, you can end your alcohol use and develop the skills that will help you achieve successful, long-term recovery.

For many people who have developed alcohol use disorder, the path to recovery begins with detoxification, or detox:

  • Detox is a short-term program where you can receive both medical and therapeutic support to protect your health and minimize your discomfort while you go through withdrawal. 
  • Detox for alcohol withdrawal typically lasts about five days, though the exact duration of the process can vary depending on a variety of individual factors.
  • Once you have completed detox, you can transition directly into the next phase of your treatment. This can minimize your risk of immediate relapse and help you establish a strong foothold in early recovery.

After you have completed detox – or if you don’t need this service – your best next step may be inpatient rehab or an outpatient program.

  • While you are in an inpatient rehab program, you will live at the treatment facility. This gives you access to round-the-clock supervision and support while providing temporary respite from the stresses and distractions of daily life. A typical day in inpatient rehab includes several therapies and support services, along with nutritious meals and time for relaxation and reflection.
  • At the outpatient level, you will only need to be at the facility while you are receiving treatment. When there are no sessions scheduled, you can return to your home or to a supportive residence. Depending on your needs and the structure of the program, you may even be able to work part-time, take classes, or volunteer in the community while you are in treatment. 

Some people complete detox, transfer into inpatient rehab, then step down to an outpatient program for additional support before they transition out of care. Others only spend time in one or two of these programs. There is no “right way” to get help for alcoholism and overcome the alcohol shakes. All that matters is finding the path that’s right for you.

Contact Our Medical Alcohol Detox to Safely Withdraw Today

If alcohol shakes or other withdrawal symptoms have been preventing you from safely quitting drinking, Sanctuary Treatment Center is here for you.

Our full continuum of care includes medical detox, which can help you to rid your body of alcohol safely and with minimal discomfort. Our alcohol addiction treatment center in Los Angeles, California, also offers inpatient rehab and outpatient treatment options, so that you can learn how to live a healthier life, free from the constraints of compulsive alcohol abuse.

To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, visit our Contact Us page or call us today. 

This man is proof that alcoholism is a chronic and progressive disease

Is Alcoholism Considered a Progressive Disease?

Alcoholism is one of the most common forms of addiction in the United States. However, even though millions of people struggle with compulsive alcohol abuse, many don’t fully understand the true nature of this condition. For example, is alcoholism a progressive disease? Is alcoholism a chronic, progressive disease? And is there a difference between chronic and progressive?

Defining Alcoholism

Before we find out if alcoholism is a progressive disease, we should take a moment to review what, exactly, alcoholism is.

Alcoholism is an informal term for addiction to alcohol. Clinicians refer to this condition as alcohol use disorder.

Regardless of which term a person uses, alcoholism is characterized by the inability to limit how much or how frequently a person drinks.

As established in the fifth edition of the DSM-5, a person who meets at least two of the following criteria may be accurately diagnosed with alcohol use disorder:

  • Often consuming alcohol in larger amounts or for a longer time than intended
  • Having a persistent desire (or a history of unsuccessful attempts) to limit the amount and frequency of their alcohol use
  • Spending large amounts of time acquiring and using alcohol, as well as recovering from its effects
  • Experiencing powerful cravings for alcohol
  • Failing to meet their obligations at work, in school, or at home as a result of alcohol use
  • Continuing to use alcohol even after experiencing interpersonal or social problems due to prior use of the drug
  • Abandoning important social, recreational, or work-related activities due to their alcohol use
  • Using alcohol in a manner that is clearly hazardous (such as by using it in combination with prescription painkillers or other substances)
  • Continuing to use alcohol even though they know they have incurred physical or psychological harm as a result of prior use
  • Developing tolerance, which means that they are not affected as strongly by alcohol as they used to be, so they need to drink larger amounts to achieve the effects they are seeking
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms, which can include physical and psychological distress, when they stop using alcohol, or when they are unable to acquire and use the drug

As defined by the DSM-5, a person who meets two or three of these criteria would be classified as having mild alcohol use disorder. Meeting four or five criteria would put a person in the moderate alcohol use category, while meeting six or more would qualify as severe alcohol use disorder. 

Is Alcoholism a Progressive Disease?

Most reputable addiction experts say yes, alcoholism is a progressive disease.

In this context, “progressive” means that if a person doesn’t get effective treatment, their alcoholism will worsen over time. Their urges and compulsions can become more intense, they may begin to drink more frequently, they may consume larger amounts of alcohol in each session, and the negative effects that this behavior causes can become increasingly more severe. 

The progressive nature of alcoholism is one of the many reasons why treatment can be so important. Without proper care, a person’s suffering is unlikely to lessen. With effective help, people can learn to manage their symptoms, reduce their distress, and improve their ability to establish an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Is There a Difference Between a Chronic Progressive vs Progressive Disease?

In addition to being a progressive disease, alcoholism is also a chronic disease. Defining alcoholism as “chronic” means that, as with diabetes, chronic pain, and certain other physical conditions, the goal of treatment isn’t to cure a person. Instead, the primary objective of treatment for alcohol addiction is to teach people how to manage their urges and compulsions so that they can protect their sobriety and remain in recovery.

Some progressive diseases can be cured. But for people who have chronic, progressive diseases such as alcoholism, the focus is reducing distress and increasing resilience to prevent continued harm.

What are the Long-Term Dangers of Alcoholism?

Alcoholism can be a source of considerable long-term harm, including damage to a person’s physical, psychological, and social well-being. The following are examples of the many negative outcomes that can result from untreated alcoholism:

  • Damage to the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys
  • Elevated risk of certain cancers
  • Malnutrition
  • Injuries due to slips, falls, and other accidents while impaired by alcohol
  • Memory problems and other cognitive deficiencies
  • Development or worsening of anxiety, depression, or other co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Academic setbacks, including failure and expulsion
  • Difficulty finding and keeping a job
  • Inability to establish financial independence
  • Conflicts with friends and family members
  • Irrevocably damaged relationships
  • Social withdrawal and isolation
  • Loss of hope for the future
  • Thoughts of self-harm and/or suicide
Man stopping the progressive disease of alcoholism by attending Sanctuary Treatment Center in Los Angeles, California

When to Seek Treatment for Alcoholism?

The best time to seek treatment for alcoholism is the moment you realize that you have a problem. The sooner you seek treatment, the more likely you will be to avoid some of the more extensive damage that alcoholism can cause.

Having said that, there is no bad time to seek treatment for alcoholism. Even if you have been drinking heavily for years, this doesn’t mean that it’s too late to get help. 

The moment you make the courageous decision to enter an alcohol addiction treatment program, you reduce your risk for continued harm. While you are in treatment, you can also begin to heal from the damage that alcoholism has inflicted on your life. 

Contact Our Treatment Center for Alcoholism in Los Angeles, CA at Sanctuary Treatment Center

If you think you need professional help to quit drinking, Sanctuary Treatment Center may be the ideal place for you. Our alcoholism treatment center in Los Angeles, California, offers multiple levels of customized care, including detoxification, inpatient rehab, and outpatient treatment. 

With the guidance and support of our skilled professionals, you can end your alcohol abuse and begin your journey toward improved health and successful, long-term recovery. When ready to get started, the Sanctuary team is here for you. 

To learn more or to schedule a free alcohol addiction assessment, please visit our Contact Us page or call our center today.

Physical signs of alcoholism

Physical Signs of Alcoholism

Untreated alcoholism can have a profound negative impact on how a person looks, feels, behaves, and interacts with others. When you are aware of the social, psychological, and physical signs of alcoholism, you will be better prepared to identify the problem and seek appropriate treatment. 

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive disease that is characterized by an overwhelming compulsion to drink. The clinical term for alcoholism is alcohol use disorder. It is also often referred to as alcohol addiction. 

Alcoholism and other chronic conditions cannot be cured. However, with appropriate professional treatment, a person can learn to manage the urges, compulsions, and other symptoms of the disorder. When they get the type and level of care they need, they can end their use of this dangerous drug and achieve successful, long-term recovery from alcohol addiction.

Alcoholism is one of the most common forms of addiction. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), more than 14.5 million Americans ages 12 and over met the criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol addiction. This includes 9 million boys and men (or 6.8% of people in that demographic group) and 5.5 girls and women (or 3.9% of the female population above age 11.)

It is important to understand that alcoholism is a legitimate mental health disorder. It is not simply evidence of low character or the result of poor self-discipline. A person who becomes addicted to alcohol loses the ability to control their thoughts and behaviors. This can include being unable to limit how much and how often they drink. 


As established in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the criteria for an accurate diagnosis of alcohol use disorder include symptoms such as the following:

  • Experiencing powerful cravings to use alcohol
  • Devoting a considerable amount of time to drinking alcohol and recovering from its effects
  • Being unable to stop drinking once you begin
  • Failing to meet your responsibilities in school, at work, or in other important areas of your life because of your drinking
  • Continuing to drink even after being harmed physically, psychologically, or socially as a result of previous alcohol use
  • No longer participating in hobbies or other previously important activities because of your drinking
  • Abusing alcohol in ways that are clearly hazardous, such as combining alcohol with other drugs or drinking immediately before driving 
  • Wanting to quit drinking, but being unable to do so

Physical Signs of Alcoholism

Untreated alcoholism can have a devastating impact on a person’s mind and body. Though different people can be affected in different ways, certain physical signs of alcoholism are common.

Two classic physical signs of alcoholism are tolerance and withdrawal:

  • Tolerance means that, over time, a person will not be affected as strongly by alcohol as they previously were. Thus, they will have to consume larger amounts of this drug to achieve the intoxicating effects that they used to experience after just a few drinks.
  • Withdrawal refers to the painful ways a person’s body may react when they abruptly try to stop drinking. In addition to being extremely uncomfortable, severe cases of alcohol withdrawal can even be life-threatening.

Here are a few other physical signs of alcoholism:

  • Significant unintentional weight gain or loss
  • Reddened skin near the nose and cheeks
  • Bloated appearance in the face
  • Yellow or grey skin
  • Yellowing of the sclera (the white part of the eye outside the pupil and iris)
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Impaired coordination
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Tics, tremors, or other signs of shakiness
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Frequent headaches
  • Numbness in the feet and hands

Additional Signs of Alcoholism

In addition to the physical signs of alcoholism that we listed in the previous section, this disease can also cause a person to exhibit a range of psychological and behavioral signs, such as these:

  • Needing alcohol to wake up in the morning or get to sleep at night
  • Being unable to feel joy or cope with disappointment without using alcohol
  • Lying or being otherwise deceptive about their whereabouts and activities
  • Neglecting their personal appearance
  • Acting with uncharacteristic anger, violence, or recklessness
  • Demonstrating dramatic changes in mood and energy level
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Struggling to perform to expectation at work or in school
  • Arguing with loved ones about the amount and frequency of their alcohol use

A person who exhibits any psychological, behavioral, or physical signs of alcoholism should be brought to the attention of a qualified healthcare provider. The path to improved health begins with a thorough assessment, an accurate diagnosis, and a recommendation for appropriate treatment.

Begin Treating Alcoholism at Sanctuary Treatment Center

If the compulsion to abuse alcohol has undermined your ability to live a healthy and satisfying lifestyle, please know this: You are not alone, help is available, and treatment works. 

Sanctuary Treatment Center offers comprehensive, personalized care to help adults end their alcohol use and build a foundation for a healthier, alcohol-free future. Alcohol treatment options at our center in Los Angeles, California, include detoxification, inpatient treatment, and outpatient rehab. At each level of care, compassionate professionals provide customized services in a respectful and supportive manner. 

To learn more about our services or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Admissions page or contact us directly at your earliest convenience. 

We Take Insurance!

Sanctuary Treatment Center accepts most private PPO insurance plans, as well as some private HMO plans. Through private insurance plans, individuals and families can access high quality addiction treatment services. If you have questions regarding insurances, please give us a call.

Sanctuary Treatment Center in Los Angeles is a Joint Commission accredited rehab center

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